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NYU Offers Dental Students Certification in Public Health

Posted on Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The program, one of very few in the United States, gives dental students the opportunity to gain added expertise in core public health concepts, enhancing their ability to deliver effective public health solutions.

Reflecting a societal need for dentists with both excellent clinical skills and a deep understanding of public health issues and challenges, New York University’s College of Dentistry (NYU Dentistry) and College of Global Public Health (CGPH) have created a DDS/Online Advanced Certificate in Public Health Program through which dental students can complete both the DDS degree program and the certificate program within four years. This dual program option is one of a very few of its kind in the United States.

“We are extremely pleased to introduce our new DDS/CPH program, which offers dental students the opportunity to gain added expertise in providing effective health solutions,” said Dr. Charles N. Bertolami, the Herman Robert Fox Dean of NYU Dentistry. “The two disciplines, dentistry and public health, are naturally complementary as both seek to improve the health of the public.”

Because courses in the online advanced certificate program are offered every semester, including the summer, DDS students will not require additional time beyond their four-year dental curriculum to graduate with the dual program option. CPH courses include epidemiology, global issues in social and behavioral health, global health policy and management, biostatistics for public health, and global environmental public health.

“With this new program, dental students now have the opportunity to gain essential knowledge and training in core public health concepts that will enhance their ability to develop more efficient healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes, and make a positive difference in people’s lives in global communities,” added Dean Bertolami.

“This unique online certificate underscores the multidisciplinary nature of CGPH,” added Dr. Cheryl G. Healton, Dean CGPH. “We’re excited to team up with our Faculty of Health partner, NYU Dentistry, to maximize the benefits of sharing resources developed here to be accessible at other NYU schools.”

The DDS/CPH program is open to prospective dental students who express an interest in public health training and maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. DDS students may begin taking online CPH courses as early as the summer semester of their first year.

According to NYU College of Dentistry Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Andrew I. Spielman, “This new dual program option is an additional example of steps NYU College of Dentistry is taking to be at the forefront of transforming dental education in order to best meet the needs of tomorrow’s dentists and the public they will serve.”

Dr. Joyce O’Connor, the program’s director at CGPH, agreed. “Because online technology makes this course so accessible for our College of Dentistry students to take, they can gain invaluable public health perspectives developed here at CGPH without the costly burden of doing an extra year to take the course in person.”

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